Professional Curriculum.
Local Instructor.
As a BKi Affiliate Field, Precision offers a curriculum of lessons straight from World Champion professional players.
Coach Steve shares his knowledge and facilitates these lessons to grow national level players, right here in Delaware.
Focal Points
Excellent communication is a vital skill in everyday life, and paintball is no different. Information in a high pressure game situation fuels great plays.
All the other skills combined won’t keep you from getting beat in a gun battle. Gun skills, movement mechanics, and dexterity are essential tools in your journey to the podium.
Decision Making
A game can go from in the bag to in the dumps with one bad decision. Once you have the information and the skills, you must know what to do with it.
We are nothing without our team. It’s crucial to know not only that you can count on your teammates, but what you are counting on them to do.
We’re launching fresh, weekly classes for 2024
Movements are learned best by watching. We demonstrate proper gun and play mechanics to set the example for our students.
Small classes let us pay close attention to each student. This helps us understand each player’s grasp of the lesson.
Observation allows us to make corrections down to the finest level. These real time corrections build proper muscle memory.
Learning is nothing without retention. Individualized feedback and homework allows players to keep building skills at home.
Take your game to the next level with Precision and BKi
Drop In Rate
$20 / Class
Includes the following
Access to scheduled class
Access to prep material and class drills/exercises for scheduled class
Classes Membership
$60 / Month
Includes the following
Access to all Precision BKi Classes each month
Precision’s BKi Paintball code for 50% off first month of bkipaintball.com membership
All Precision Paintball Membership Benefits
Access to prep material and class drills/exercises for each class, regardless of attendance
Special rates for BKi Pro Clinics at Precision Paintball
Pre-Registration is required for each class to receive prep material